Hippy New Year

, originally uploaded by Annelogue.

2007 was good year in more ways than one. Some long term projects were finished successfully and on a personal level I feel that I went through some changes that were really good for me. So what do I want for 2008? Luckily, I’m a person who is blessed with many wants and wishes. So there are quite a few things I’d like to see materialize in the upcoming year. First of all, I’d like to have more love in my life. I want to be in love with a man who is in love with me and who wants to be with me one hundred percent. I’d like to have a better relationship with my family, my friends and my work colleagues. I want to be more grateful for what I already have in my life. I want to feel more present in the moment. I want to find the things that motivates me. I want to be happier. I’m going to feel good, think good thoughts and attract good things. I want to do things for the right reasons. I want to handle stress better. I want to develop as a photographer and spend more time taking pictures. I want to finish my Oracle certification. I want to get a nicer apartment. I think the universe is an abundant place and that there are plenty of good things in store for me. So now when I’ve placed my order with the universe and put my wish list out there, I’ll believe in my wishes and thereby attract them into existence. It’s as simple as that.


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