Metta To My Father
LifeMy Father, originally uploaded by Annelogue May you feel safe May you feel content May you feel peaceful May you feel the love from your children May you feel free from the suffering of fear May you love yourself completely And with great kindness Just as you are now No matter what happens
Gregg Braden – The Science of Miracles (1/7)
LifeDon’t worry, I haven’t hopped on any pseudoscience bandwagon. After I saw Avatar in 3D I fell in love with the idea of the world as one energy field, with an underlying intelligent fabric of all creation which responds to human emotion. Watch the other parts… “Every time we look, the act of looking is
Life*La Belle Indifference*, originally uploaded by Annelogue. I think that the best stuff I experienced at Kulturnatten (Culture Night) 2009 in Copenhagen were the things that I accidentally stumbled upon. Like this concert on a street corner by the band La Belle Indifference, who seriously know how to throw a party with their 4bit gameboy
Life*Fall*On*My*Window*, originally uploaded by Annelogue. Letting go is not easy for me. I’m an expert in the opposite process. To hold on, control and keep at it. That’s the way I’m brought up to be and it has been a good strategy, along with my natural stubbornness in getting me through different projects. At this
Life***, originally uploaded by Annelogue. It’s in the middle of the night. I’m cooling off my warm and sore feet on the cold balcony tiles. I’ve been the second shooter in a wedding for 10 hours straight and I feel absolutely drained. My lips are dry and cracking, probably because I’m dehydrated. The whole day
Life*Relief*Rain*, originally uploaded by Annelogue. Finally! It’s pouring down outside and after weeks of sunshine and summer activities, I can calmly sit down and just read my book, surf the Internet and watch movies without without feeling guilty. When it’s sunny, I feel I should be outside taking advantage of the good weather. In that