Kicked In
I’ve feared this day for years. The day where everything changes. My mum has been struggling with her health for some time and today she fell by her bed and broke the neck of her femur in the HOSPITAL. Bloody hell. It’s a dangerous place. Yesterday she was fine, I talked to her on the phone and she had tidied up the house before she was going in for a routine check-up. Today she’s in intensive care, because on top of everything she acquired a high fever and her blood pressure is really low. They are working on her, giving her antibiotics and intravenous liquid so that she hopefully can go through surgery tomorrow and for that she has to be infection free. Shit. It’s been a while since I was this scared. It’s as if someone tore a piece of my heart out. I don’t want to loose my mum. I love her so much and she is not ready to go. My mum is though, but she also likes to make out that she is stronger than she really is. It’s going to be a nerve wrecking time until she is out of surgery. I’m not sure what to do. I feel kind of helpless. In situations like this it sucks to live in a different country than your family.
Update: Mum went through surgery on Friday and it went really well. What a relief! She is still breathing through an oxygen mask, but hopefully her lung capacity will get better when her other systems are recovering. I’m just really happy. I hope I can get to talk to her today.
I’m very sorry to hear that. I hope everything goes OK and she gets well soon. Hang in there.
Thanks, I hope she gets through this. She is a high risk patient. So anything can happen. We’ll have to wait and see.
I am sure she will get well soon. Look at the bright side. All the best!!!!
Don’t forget to say to her that we all wish her well and out of the hospital soon!.
Thank you, I will tell her that many people are thinking of her. I hope it’ll all end well, too. She didn’t have surgery today, because her kidneys failed and she got a blood clot in one of her lungs. It seems like her whole system is failing. One of my sisters is a nurse, so she is with her now and she said that it seems like the doctors are in control of the situation in the hospital. So, that’s good. Hope everything will be stabilized by tomorrow…
She didn’t get operated on today, either. The doctors are aiming for Friday. She is breathing better today…still with an oxygen mask. She is stabilized. Today we are all quite relived after yesterdays drama. My sister says it’ll probably still be a bit of a roller coaster ride until she is through surgery…
it’s a time to fight like a girl.I hope she will get well soon.
My fingers are crossed Anne, all the best to you and your mum.
Oh Anne…. That is just aweful. I’m so sorry to read that your mum is not well. LOTS of love and best wishes for a speedy recovery from Down Under. xxx
Thank you so much for all the supporting and loving words! It’s been a long time since I’ve been this scared. It feels better now when she got through surgery without complications. Now she just has to recover. She will, because she really wants to live.
Tell her to get well soon and send our love to her as well!!!
This is very belated, but: I hope your mum continues to be well.
And those days are really hard, when suddenly everything changes.