In Your Imity

In the last couple of weeks I’ve been trying out this new mobile phone application called Imity. It logs all bluetooth enabled devices around me and sends the information to my online Imity profile. One neat thing is that I don’t have to do anything, other than just turn Imity on when I go out and then while my phone is in my bag it updates via the Internet who I meet on my way. When I get back to my computer I can see whether I was close to someone I know or not. Or if I’m out on the town I can keep an eye on my phone, because it will alert me if any of my contacts are close. All you need to do is to have a Java enabled telephone and a mobile subscription that allows you to connect to the internet, then you can sign up and create a profile at and they will send you a sms with info where you can download the application from or you can just point your phone to

My experience so far is good. I mean the product is in beta and the look and feel of the online solution is a bit sparse, but I think this community has great potential to grow. The biggest issues for me right now are for one that my friends don’t have Java enabled telephones and the ones that do are hesitant about using an application which accesses the Internet somewhat, because of the high prices on data transport to mobiles.

Give this bluetooth enabled social network another couple of months, when more people become part of it and I think “the more the merrier” principle will apply. I also think quite a few people are starry-eyed and hopeful about the hook up potential of Imity, Yenta 650 style :-). Who knows…that’s the exiting part of a social networking and community sites…it’s up to the users what they want to do.


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