Creative Walks

Purple, originally uploaded by Annelogue.

I’m trying to do what Julia Cameron recommends in the book Artist way. I write morning pages and go on artist dates. A little while ago I downloaded the audio book version of Walking in this World which encourages walks as another tool in discovering and recovering the creative self. I’ve been trying to do this. I’ve gone out with my iPod plugged into my ears and my pocket camera at hand and basically wandered the streets for hours and hours every night. It is such a good thing! Even though I often feel tired after work and have problems gathering enough energy to get my bum out of the door, once I get outside and start walking it sets on a special state of mind that I’m not normally in. Usually I don’t really notice that much around me, I’m quite focused on where I need to go and do. While doing these creative walks, I don’t have a plan where I should go. I just head out and let interestingness takes me to the strangest places in the city. I just go around and look…at people, houses, dog shit, bikes and all kinds of stuff. Along the way thoughts and ideas pop up by themselves. Very good. I’ll have to keep doing this. If I get tired of these streets, I’ll need to go and find new ones.


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